Part of the trombone section plays in front of the Roseville Big Band sign.

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The RCJO and RBB brass combined for some selections.  
Tapestry Dance, March 4, 2000 Students dance at the "Mardi Gras". Joint Concert with RCJO Kirk records a solo for the Roseville Big Band Concert in the Park CD.
Glen Newton improvises a trumpet solo during a Roseville Big Band concert in Acapulco. Carleton College Mid-Winter Balls Ball guests play Latin percussion instruments with the band.

Just for Fun!

In Acapulco, March 1989 Terry and Cindy Gardner gave dance lessons before the band started playing. Children's Hospital Association Fifty-fourth Annual Ball, November 22, 2003 The Amazing Lyric-o-Matic!
A swing dancer freezes during a performance to "Tuxedo Junction" at a Confederate Air Force hangar dance. Commemorative Air Force Bomber's Moon Ball, September 21, 2002 The sax section stands at the conclusion of a song, in the Roseville Central Park band shell. Create your own songs!
Rhythm & Swing
Exhibition Dancers
Mary Lou Peterman and Glen Newton sing for the camera. Central Park Concerts Southern Police Institute Alumni Association Dance
Tom Mudge, chief engineer, sits at the mixing board in Studio M during a Roseville Big Band recording session. Confederate Air Force Spring Dance, May 15, 1993 One of the Good Samaritan residents listens as Glen Peterson plays the tenor sax. SPIAA Dance, July 28, 2000
Studio M, March 21-22, 1998   Inver Grove Good Samaritan Nursing Home, March 21, 2000  

This page was last updated
Friday, February 07, 2020.

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