1969* |
1970* |
1979** |
1981* |
1983 |
1984 |
Director | Mark Lammers | Mark Lammers | Bob Lancette (9/76+) | Bob Lancette | Bob Lancette | Bob Lancette |
1st Alto | Larry Larson | Larry Larson | Paul Husby | Dan Desmonds (+Clar.) | Dan Desmonds (1978+) | Dan Desmonds |
2nd Alto | Colleen Danner, Bill Pearson | Colleen Danner | Jan Savelkoul Mitchell | Jan Savelkoul | Harry McCoy | Beth Olsen (quit 4-9/84) |
1st Tenor | Bob Heine | Bill Jagger | Richard Leisen | Scott Harris (+Clar, SS, Flute) | Scott Harris | Melissa Santrach |
2nd Tenor | Richard Leisen | Richard Leisen | Gerry Gulbranson | Richard Leisen, Melissa Bridges | Richard Leisen (1964+), Melissa Bridges | Dick Leisen |
Baritone | Jim Ruff | Kay Pearson (1976+) | Kay Pearson | Kay Pearson | Kay Pearson | |
1st Trpt | Bob Dynan | Bob Dynan | Curt Johnson, John Curlee (1978+) | John Curlee, Curt Johnson | John Curlee | John Curlee |
2nd Trpt | Leonard Borlaug | Mary Alice Anderson, Leonard Borlaug | Bob Jones | Bob Jones | Bob Jones, Sr. | Glen Newton (9/83+) |
3rd Trpt | Norman Sainty | Norman Sainty | Ed Hemauer | Ed Hemauer | Marty Marentic | Mark Lee (4/84+) |
4th Trpt | Don Hensel | Marty Marentic | Marty Marentic | Ed Hemauer | Ed Hemauer | |
1st Trb | Eric Soderstrom | Merle Danielson | Larry Perry | Larry Perry | Larry Perry (1978+) |
Larry Perry |
2nd Trb | Carolyn Mathieson | Eric Soderstrom | Harlan Hohenstein | Tom Hoel | Carol Jensen (1980+) | Carol Jensen |
3rd Trb | Peter Olson | Carolyn Mathieson | Tom Martin | Harlan Hohenstein | Harlan Hohenstein | Harlan Hohenstein |
4th Trb | Ted Olson | Peter Olson | Roger Lundberg (1976?+) | Roger Lundberg | Roger Lundberg | Roger Lundberg |
Guitar | Leigh Anderson | Leigh Anderson (1980+) | Leigh Anderson | |||
Piano | Judy Lohmer | Judy Lohmer | Gerry Gulbranson | Arlie McCoy | Sue Weber | |
Bass | Jim Foster | Jim Foster | Jim Foster (1977+) | Jim Foster | ||
Drums | Al McAfee, John Nimlos | Al McAfee, Mike Sandmann | Chris Lancette | David Perry | Chris Lancette | George Hernandez |
Roster Dates | 11/20/69 | 3/19/70 | 4/81 RCB Spring Concert | January 1983 | 4/10 & 9/3/84 |
*These names are listed on programs of the Roseville Municipal Band, on which the stage band also played. They only list people by sections, not who played which part or even who played which type of saxophone. Thus the assignment of people to parts is mostly arbitrary in the above table for 1969 and 1970. We do know that Colleen Danner and Bill Pearson played alto, Dick Leisen tenor, and Jim Ruff bari. No string bass player is listed, but band director Mark Lammers always brought in a "ringer" to play the concert. Steve Barnett was one of them.
**These are the people visible in a photograph of the jazz band playing for a pancake breakfast in February, 1979. The picture caption says, "Entertainment for the breakfast was provided by the Roseville Comunity Band, of course."
The people named below are just some of those who played in the Roseville Big Band between 1976 and 1983. Most of the musicians listed in the 1983 and 1984 rosters also played before 1983, and they are not listed again here unless they played different instruments. During that time period, the distinction between members and subs was less clear. For example, Harry McCoy, listed above on second alto in 1983, did not regard himself as a regular member of the group, and he subbed on all five of the sax parts. Furthermore, people sometimes doubled parts, so some of the musicians listed below might not have played all the time.
Mark Lammers, director
Alan Olson, alto sax
Carolyn Rosdahl, tenor sax
Jan Savelkoul (now Jan Mitchell), second alto sax
Kurt Johnson, lead trumpet
Dave Braseth, trumpet
Phil Florine, lead trombone
Brian Wistrom, trombone
Jim Foster, valve trombone
Bob Jones, Jr., piano
Glen Newton, piano
Jim Foster, guitar
Kathy Olsen, vocal
Sunday, July 12, 2020.
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