The Roseville Big Band on the Acapulco Ministry of Culture Stage

One of the Roseville Big Band's March, 1989, performances in Acapulco, Mexico, was at the Acapulco Cultural Ministry stage. In this picture, Glen Newton solos on "Doc's Holiday".

The band plays on a stone and adobe stage in a park.

In the picture above, the Roseville Big Band wears red Roseville Community Band summer shirts and displays Roseville Community Band banners. The blue shirts and independent Roseville Big Band logo that now identify the band were introduced several years later.

Trumpets: Jim Chamberlain (2), John Curlee (1), Laura Welland (5), Mark Lee (3), Dave Anderson (4); trumpet soloist: Glen Newton

Trombones: Carol Jensen (4), Rich Eyman (3), Roy Henline (1), Darrell Thorstenson (2)

Saxes: Dick Leisen (tenor 2), Brian Dole (tenor 1), Kay Foster (alto 1), Nancy Veerkamp (alto 2), Dick Burnham (baritone)

Rhythm: Margie Kreinitz (string bass), Jim Foster (drums), Deb Burnham (piano); Laura Welland also played piano.

Director: Paul Pizner

The group that performed in Acapulco was, for the most part, the same group that performed in Roseville. Guitarist Leigh Anderson was unable to go on the trip, and we had no replacement for him. Dick Burnham, the husband of pianist Deb Burnham, filled in for baritone saxophonist Dan Desmonds, who was unable to go on the trip. Laura Welland, former pianist in the Roseville Big Band and trumpet player in the Roseville Community Band, had recently moved to Seattle and joined us for the trip, performing on both instruments. Former Roseville Big Band lead trumpeter John Curlee rejoined the band for the trip as well.

Unfortunately, publicity for the concert series was minimal, and this concert in an out-of-the-way location had only about a dozen audience members. The other concerts—in the hotel, the plaza, and the school—were better attended.

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Monday, September 02, 2024.

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