The House Brand Woodwind Ensemble first performed in March (the same concert on two dates) and April, 1981. The group consisted of Univac employees Joe Stefani and Dick Peik, clarinets, Glen Newton, French horn, and Kate Saumur, bassoon.
Glen Newton, the group's leader, commented on the quartet's third set of public appearances:
The group's next performances were June 16 and 17, in the cafeterias of buildings one and three in Roseville. This concert consisted entirely of pieces from the standard brass quartet literature, most notably the entire "Petite Suite" by Jan Koetsier, whose "Air" and "Chorale" movements sounded particularly haunting with the solo part (normally played by the horn or first trombone) performed on the bassoon. Trying to avoid my weaknesses as a horn player, I played only trumpet and bass trombone on this concert.
Ron Middlestadt volunteered to record the concerts. He worked in Univac's building three and was a barbershopper whose hobbies included recording local musical ensembles. Later in the year, Glen attended a rehearsal of the St. Paul SPEBSQSA chapter as Ron's guest.
Ron also enjoyed vocal arranging. Several years later, he asked Glen and two others to read through some four-part pop vocal music he had arranged and offer constructive criticism. The alto for this reading session was Barb Harvey, who later performed with the Roseville Big Band's vocal quartet.
Friday, February 07, 2020.
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