Barb Harvey

Barb sang alto in the vocal quartet in the Roseville Big Band's June 6, 2000, concert in Central Park. Barb smiles at the camera, wearing a sparkly dark blue top. Barb joined the vocal quartet for the July 29, 2003, concert in Central Park. Barb belts out a song.

Barb's love of the harmony and vocal groups (Chordettes, Andrews Sisters, McGuire Sisters) from the 40's and 50's are among the reasons Barb got involved with singing barbershop harmony with Sweet Adelines. She has been a member since 1965 and has been active with both quartets and choruses. She is a baritone section leader and assistant director of the Twin Cities Show Chorus and sings baritone in the quartet Just 4 the Moment.

Barb is also the Web Manager of the Sweet Adeline Can-Am Region 6 Website, which includes more information about her musical background and activities.

In her professional role as a graphic artist, Barb was responsible for the page layout of the Roseville Big Band CD.

Barb first performed with the Roseville Big Band June 6, 2000, and has sung with the group on several other occasions, including singing alto in a vocal quartet with Karen Dunn, Reeves Cary, and Glen Newton on the July 29, 2003, concert in Central Park.

This page was last updated
Friday, February 07, 2020.

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