Fourth of July, 1984

Wearing the Roseville Community Band's red summer shirts and playing in this July 4, 1984, Roseville Big Band concert in the Central Park band shell (left to right):

Trumpets: Glen Newton (2), Mark Lee (3), Ed Hemauer (4), John Curlee (1)

Trombones: Roger Lundberg (4), Harlan Hohenstein (3), Larry Perry (1), and Carol Jensen (2)

Saxes: Kay Foster (bari), Beth Olsen (alto 2), Dan Desmonds (alto 1), Melissa Santrach (tenor 1), Dick Leisen (tenor 2)

Rhythm: Sue Weber (piano), George Hernandez (drums), Leigh Anderson (guitar), Jim Foster (electric bass)

Vocalist: Kathy Olsen

Director: Bob Lancette

(This particular song was an instrumental with only three trumpet and three trombone parts, so John, Roger, and Kathy were not performing.)

Click here for a bigger (1200x585, 57K) picture, showing more of the environment.

The picture above is a view of the band shell looking Northwest. Click here for a view from the other corner of the amphitheater, looking Northeast.

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Friday, February 07, 2020.

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