The Nostalgics

The Nostalgics sang "It's Great to Be an American" on Veteran's Day 2000.

Judy, Joel, Pam, and Reeves wave flags as they sing.

Judy, Joel, Pam, and Reeves imitate the train. The Nostalgics sang "Chattanooga Choo Choo" on New Year's Eve, 2003, while imitating the motions of the train wheels.

The Nostalgics sing with the Classic Big Band, led by Dan Odegaard. Quartet members, from left to right:

Judy Olson, alto


Joel Kleschold, baritone


  Pam Parker, lead


    Reeves Cary, tenor

The Classic Big Band web site has more information about the band and the Nostalgics.

This page was last updated
Friday, February 07, 2020.

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