Kristin Rusterholz

In her high school senior picture, Kris holds her flute. Kris played flute and piccolo in the band and orchestra throughout high school.

Performing with the Roseville Big Band in the Central Park band shell on July 4, 1994, Kris played flute on "Baroque and Blue", a movement from the Claude Bolling suite for flute and jazz piano. She also played piccolo on Glen Newton's composition, "Barely Bossa Nova".

A 1994 graduate of Roseville Area High School (RAHS), Kris played flute and piccolo in the RAHS Symphonic Band and Symphony Orchestra. She was an all-conference band member and sang in her church choir and church musicals.

Kris also helped with the CTV broadcasts of the RAHS concerts, as a score reader in the television production van.

Kris is a graduate of University of Wisconsin—Madison and has completed medical school at the same institution.

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Friday, February 07, 2020.

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