
Eric Barnes

Eric warmed up before the concert at The Rog.

Eric first performed with the Roseville Big Band at the Frank Rog Amphitheatre, June 27, 2017.

Eric performed on euphonium in the MMEA All-State Band 2016-17, NWSC All-Conference Band 2017, and MMEA All-State Band 2017-18. He began playing trombone in June, 2016.

He also performed with the Centennial High School jazz band and brass choir for two years. 

You might recognize Eric from his two seasons performing with the Valleyfair Brass Band.

He's currently studying trombone performance at the University of Northwestern - St. Paul with Dr. Jeremy Kolwinska. You can follow his trombone quartet, the Eagle Slide Quartet, on Facebook:

Eagle Slide Quartet

This page was last updated
Friday, February 07, 2020.

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