Seventy-six Trombones (or Fewer)

Glen wears red-and-white striped shirt with blue suspenders and black trousers. For the August 27, 2001, trombone ensemble performance, Glen Newton dressed with an 1890's look, complete with center-parted hair.

In August, 2001, Wells Fargo Bank moved its downtown St. Paul office from one location to another a couple of blocks away. To publicize the move, the bank contracted with Jim tenBensel to provide a trombone ensemble that would play "The Wells Fargo Wagon" and "76 Trombones" as they led a group of Wells Fargo employees from the old to the new location (and then a bit farther).

Since these selections are taken from "The Music Man", which is set in turn-of-the-century Iowa, the musicians dressed in old-fashioned garb, including suspenders.

The group also played "When the Saints Go Marching In" at the location of the new office, inspiring one of the guards to improvise a dance routine.

The four trombonists, all members of the Minneapolis Trombone Choir, were Jim tenBensel, Glen Newton, Lee Dummer, and bass trombonist Dave Dahlgren. They were accompanied by sousaphonist Eric Peterson and snare drummer Cindy Schlicht.

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Friday, February 07, 2020.

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