This event was a fundraiser for Roseville Arts Council and a celebration of the release of Concert in the Park, the Roseville Big Band's first CD.
Band director Glen Newton provided video producer John Rusterholz with the following script for the live broadcast of the dance. The event began at 7:00 with free dance lessons. The Roseville Big Band set up prior to the dance lessons, as at the CAF dances, then played 8-11:30. TV coverage on channel a15 in the 10-city CTV North Suburbs area ran from 7-10. The list of songs (following the script) was the same as for the Black Cat Ball the previous weekend.
7:00 Taped intro
7:01 Welcome - Tim/Katie
7:02 Tape of Tim/Katie dance lesson (3:00)
7:05 Introduce Dance Instructors (& interview them)
7:08 Dance Lessons
7:20 Cutaway Interview - Daphne
7:30 Cutaway Interview - David West
7:40 Cutaway Interview - Margot
7:50 Cutaway Interview - Keith
8:00 Live Interview - Glen Newton / CD
8:05 Band Plays
8:15 Cutaway Interview - Kirk
8:30 Cutaway Interview - Karen
8:45 Cutaway Interview -
9:00 Grand Procession / Costume Contest
9:15 Speeches while judges ponder
9:30 Awards
9:35 Band Plays
9:45 Cutaway Interview - contest winners
9:57 Tim/Katie Goodbye
9:59 Roll Credits
10:00 Off the Air
Sunday, November 15, 2020.
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