Maps to the Commemorative Air Force Dances

From Interstate 494, at the southeast corner of the Twin Cities, exit south on Hwy 52, 7th St., or 5th St. Go south to Upper 55th Street or South Street. Turn left and go east until the road dead-ends at Henry Ave, then turn right (south) and drive into the airport parking area. The hangar is the second World War II quonset hangar on your left, the one with the label "Hangar #3" and the Commemorative Air Force Minnesota Wing logo on the outside, but turn right before you get there, to drive around to the parking area in back of the hangar.

Fleming Field is south of Interstate 494, east of Highway 52.


Upper 55th St. East becomes W. South St. when it crosses Cahill Ave. (7th St.)

  If you are using internet-based map engines, such as MapQuest, Yahoo Maps, or Expedia, look for 60th St E at Henry Ave in South St Paul, MN, 55075. You can also look for South Saint Paul Municipal Airport or 1725 Henry Ave., S. St. Paul, MN 55075.
  Call (651) 455-6942 for the Commemorative Air Force (formerly called the Confederate Air Force) at Fleming Field in South St. Paul.

Here's a bigger picture of the southeast corner of the 494 loop. The star shows the location of the hangar dance.

Here's some more detail near the hangar.

This page was last updated
Saturday, June 12, 2021.

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